California Earned Income Tax Credit California Earned Income Tax Credit

​​It's your money! Get it!

The Department of Community Services and Development encourages Californians earning under $30,000 a year to file their taxes to claim the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), a cash-back tax credit, and receive a larger tax refund. 

File e​ar​ly to put money in your pocket sooner!

​​California Earned Income Tax Credit​


Jennifer Siebel Newsom, first partner of California, encourages everyone to learn more about the expanded California Earned Income Tax Credit and ​Young Child Tax Credit. For more information, please visit:



Jennifer Siebel Newsom, la primera pareja de California, anima a todos a informarse más sobre la expansión del CalEITC y el Crédito Tributario para Niños Pequeños. 

Para más información visita:​itc.

Know It!

The state and federal Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) are cash back tax refunds for working Californians. Many hard-working​ individuals and families are eligible, including Californians that file their taxes with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Over $1 billion in refunds are available for hard-working Californians earning under $30,000 a year! When combined with the federal EITC, the CalEITC can put hundreds or even thousands of extra dollars in your pocket just by filing your taxes. That's money you can use for rent, utilities, groceries, and other important expenses. And, if you qualify for CalEITC and have children under the age of ​six, you could receive $1,000 from the Young Child Tax Credit. Visit​​itc ​​to learn more!​


Earn It!

The amount of cash back tax credits you qualify for depends on your income and your family size. You may qualify for the state and federal EITC and not even know it! Under CalEITC, individuals and families earning less than $30,000 may qualify for a cash back tax credit.  Find out how much you could get back by using the Franchise Tax Board's EITC Calc​ulator​, available in 6 languages.​


Get It!​

To get your cash back tax credits, simply file your state and federal tax returns. Don't pay to have your taxes prepared for you! Get free tax help at a location near you by visiting the Franchise Tax Board​'s Free Tax Help Webpa​ge​​ and a volunteer IRS certified tax preparer can help you keep all of your EITC and CalEITC cash back tax credits.​

  Learn more about the California Earned Income Tax Cr​edit​ at​itc.​​



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